I want to cancel my membership.

We are sorry to see you go. Following this process allows us to verify that someone actually doesn’t want to renew and allows us to notify a new family that a slot has opened sooner. Plus, once we process the request you shouldn’t receive further emails from us.

If you wish to cancel and do not follow this process we will still cancel your membership automatically on April 15 but will continue to send you emails until that time.

  1. Log onto your account.
  2. Go to the Membership Change form
  3. Select “Close Membership”
  4. Select the “Yes I am sure” checkbox.
  5. Click “Submit”

No further action is required after this as your membership will be marked for closure.

We finalize all the cancellation requests after April 15.

This is expected to prevent you from receiving further member-related emails but it is possible that one slips through on occasion before finalization. There is no need to contact us if that happens and apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused.